NEW: Human’s Fear of Boredom

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan, M.Sc.
2 min readApr 23, 2022
“Need More Struggles Now!!!”

Too many people nowadays self-sabotage.

They stay struggling, stuck in the Rat Race, falling behind in every area, on every level…

Staying overwhelming with too many projects open, and barely any progress on any of them.


Yes, there are obvious issues like the tremendous amount of things everyone feels they have to do these days just to stay afloat.

But much deeper than all the excuses, it’s this nagging notion:

What will you do if all your dreams came true, today?

Yes, you might celebrate, chill on the beach, experience life’s luxuries, and enjoy all what the world has to offer.

Unfortunately, no matter how “human” we are, we stay “animals” deep down.

We know that without risk, without the unknown, we are basically living in a restrictive comfort zone that does now allow us to grow.

We simply get bored if we had all we desired in this life. If we had no challenges.

And this is the core issue behind self-sabotage and why you are falling behind:

  • You start too many projects so that you stay in the exciting phase of uncertainty rather than completing them one by one (which would be boring).
  • You notice your goals stretching into a further and further future day, where you’re either “preparing,” waiting to be ready or distracting yourself by something else just like writers do when they sit down to write but have to get up first to make coffee, clean the room and do extra chores that delay the start of their writing.

Some call this a Fear of Success.

The truth is: It is a fear of the boredom and existential angst that comes when we have nothing more to look forward to as all our goals became real.

How to deal with this?

That’s a topic for another day.

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