Nothing wastes your life more than “Locked Communication”

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan, M.Sc.
3 min readAug 9, 2022

All your time, effort, and energy totally wasted, irreplaceable…

And you’re left with one thing: FAILURE

Solution? Read ahead 🧵

“Locked Communication” is instantly rejected by the human Brain

What it wants, what it needs, and what it desires is:

Unlocked Communication

Understand that our existence is temporary:

Just 4,000 weeks

So any time wasted doing the wrong thing is eating up the time you have on this earth, delaying your success, and speeding you nearer and nearer to that final week, final day, final hour before it’s “Goodbye”

Every time you subconsciously create a “Locked Communication”

People will frown in confusion…

Your Tweets will fall flat with no engagement

And you are left wondering:

“What is wrong with me?! What am I doing wrong??”

That burning feeling inside is wrong

No human being should create “Locked Communication”

No human being should see their efforts wasted,

And feel the self-doubt and imposter syndrome deepening every day

WHEN there is a simple solution👇

When it comes to communications,

I have created over 600 Podcasts and over 500 hours of Communication specifically directed at others

At first, I was making the common mistakes

Saying things in a “Locked” way

But everything changed when I “Unlocked” my Communication

The simple solution is to follow the AUA Checklist,

When you follow the AUA, your communication will hit directly into the human mind,

People will be magnetic drawn, their brains will REFUSE to ignore it

So here is the checklist:

✅FIRST, you take these steps to make your Communications APPEALING…

Linking everything you say to one of the basic Human Needs

People are walking around SEARCHING for a way to fulfill these desires…

And if you talk about them, connect to them…

They listen / read / watch👇

SECOND, you must make your communication UNDERSTOOD…

Probably nobody has explained to you UNDERSTANDING in the way I will:

Understanding happens when you transfer an internal experience of a vision, sensations, observations, and mental constructs…

In HIGH FIDELITY… To The inner experience of someone else.

So they will see what you are seeing on your mind, feel what you are feeling, build a mental model similar to yours, sense what you are sensing in your vision.

It is easier than you think…

THIRD, you must make what you want to happen ACTIONABLE…

Human beings freeze when asked to move into the unknown…

If you leave it up to them to figure out what to do next,

You are literally asking them to step outside their comfort zone, into darkness without light

They will not do it, it’s too scary, too hard.

You role as the Communicator is to brighten the path so they see clearly where to go next

When you keep that Checklist in mind every time you communicate, people will not get confused, reject nor ignore your words, efforts, and intentions

You will be a Powerful Communicator

The next step is…

Imagine how much control and power over your life you will have when you communication is heard and acted upon, consistently.

Imagine the bonds and connections you will build when people stop to listen to your views, opinions and teachings, every time.

Imagine the success of…

Getting users to your SaaS or clients to your Freelance business or an even better job…

Because Unlocking Communication following the AUA Checklist is the Secret that almost no powerful communicator will tell you.

So let’s gather all these secrets together…



Abdulaziz M Alhamdan, M.Sc.

For even better insights, follow me on Twitter: @NoCodeWealth